Friday, December 14, 2012

Finding Our Bearings (Aimee Mann)


“We are all meant to be mothers of God...What good is it to me for the Creator to give birth to his Son if I do not also give birth to him in my time and my culture? This, then, is the fullness of time: When the Son of Man is begotten in us.”  
-Meister Eckhart
      Mary. Standing right in the middle of the mystery of this season, this solitary young woman; the human anchor, around which, so many questions, doubts, and wonders rush and spin. Each year I return to her story to find in myself both a deep identification with her ordinary-teenage-girl-ness and a great sense of intrigue around her venerability. These mingle into a sense of wonder and wondering, my own sense of curiosity and imagining gets sparked.  I am not the only one to experience this draw to Mary; there have been so many writings, poems and films about her, across time.
One that continues to stick with me is from Jan Richardson:
“They still argue, Mary, about whether you were a virgin. Maybe it’s never bothered me because something deep inside me knew the truth: that you were whole, that you were a woman unto yourself, that you chose freely, that you were a soul mother, a spirit catcher, a God bearer even before you consented to open your womb,” (Night Visions).
      Mary’s story draws me, it questions me, and it inspires me. So does Dorothy’s story. I met Dorothy today, when I went to visit her father. He is suffering from dementia and is no longer able to leave the house to attend our church. Dorothy moved back from California to care for her father and her sister, who is also in failing health. As Dorothy led the three of us in prayers of thanksgiving today, I was left wondering, rather left in wonder of her spirit of grace and joy. There are bearers of God among us still, these marys bring Christ into the world each day, as they give birth to love, hope, peace and grace among us.
                                                              Read full lyrics here.
      We seed the hope when we recognize them, when we recall their example, when we take up their work, when we lift our hearts and our voices in thanksgiving to the God who chooses to enter the world each day, born by ordinary people: spirit catchers, God bearers. Whether we call out voluntarily, as today’s song suggests or our call is necessitated by loneliness, sadness, need; whether we consider ourselves “the miracle kind” or skeptics, there is power in calling up for ourselves, remembering, connecting with those who bear God into our world, those who light the way, from the  past and in the present. May we find among these God Bearers, encouragement, belonging, strength and challenge.
So today, I am calling on Mary, show me how to resist the sleep;
I am calling on Dorothy, help me now to seed my hope;
Calling on Alfred and Pastor Jacob
Calling on Etty Hillesum, Dolores Huerta,
Calling on Valerie and Martin
Calling on Carol, Desmond Tutu, John
Calling on Matthew, Mercy Oduyoye, Rubem Alves, and Georgia…
Who are the Bearers of God in your life?
                                            ...Thanks be to God.

**This week, we'll take YOUR suggestions for what songs help you Seed the Hope or Resist the Sleep. Post a YouTube link with your thoughts and we'll re-post them all on our Saturday post.**

1 comment:

  1. I call on Thomas and Pema, Denise and Mary, Wendell and Henri, Walt and Kay, Diane and Jay and BJ,

    I call on all I meet who reveal - even in their 'lack' of wholeness - an everlasting light,

    I call on all the wise women of the Story Retreat whose brokenness became more whole through being God-bearers to one another...
