Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thurs Dec.29 Lightwork (Lupe Fiasco)

But now, says the LORD—
the one who created you, Jacob,
the one who formed you, Israel:
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name;
you are mine.

-Isaiah 43:1

          The self-reflective nature of this song is resonating with me today. Beginning with Ellie Goulding’s opening lines “I had a way then, losing it all on my own. I had a heart then, the queen has been overthrown," moving to Lupe’s jolting entrance with “So, what are you going to stand for?” He proceeds to answer the question of himself while reflecting on the history and culture that inform his choices. The song is packed with allusions and commentary, which may or may not ruffle your feathers.

         Regardless, for me, the model holds. This is the time of year when we reflect, look at our lives, spare a moment for a little critical analysis. For me this is less than comfortable territory and, many years, gets relegated to the minutes that elapse between some party-goer asking about my New Year’s resolutions and me shoving food in my mouth to buy thinking time. But what if that wasn’t it this year? Can I take some moments to look at myself and assess honestly? What has been overthrown in my life? What is calling me home? What do I see that needs to be illuminated? And what am I wrestling? Maybe these aren’t even my questions but they are an entry point.

 Lupe Fiasco (feat. Ellie Goulding and Bassnectar)
**Some strong language

One way we hope forward is to summon the courage to question ourselves.  

          Though it is not the case for our friends in the southern hemisphere, I do frequently reflect on the placement of Christmas (and in fact celebrations in many religious traditions) during winter months.  In the short, dark days when we become sedentary and quieted and ruminative, comes a celebration, a hope, a light. It is that light of Christmas that illuminates my reflection, that hope that gives me courage to question and boldness to look honestly at myself.  For when Christ , Divine Love, was born into the mess and poverty of a stable, it meant that Divine Love could dwell in the mess of my life too; and if God’s grace is great enough to hold the world in a reparative embrace, then that grace can also surround all that I discover within myself.

So, I am taking some moments this week to live into that love and grace and ask some questions-
Where am I?  How am I? What am I standing for? How am I affecting the lives of others? How are others affecting my life?
 -as I hope forward into the New Year.

May we question courageously, secure in the hold of God's grace.


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